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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Scott Naturals Tube-Free

So I again got picked as a tester by Crowdtap to sample another great product.

With my pledge of #TossTheTube I am taking a stance in saying it is time everyone on earth becomes more green. Being green is a big thing to my family and we are always looking for ways to lesson our carbon foot print and help save earth a little at a time. I saw this great video by Scott on how much waste we have just with the tubes from our toilet paper. You can watch the video below -

We toss away enough tubes to fill the empire state building TWICE! Yes you saw to correctly and if you saw the video you heard that correctly. How awesome is it that a company wants to take a step and make a change for the better? That is one thing I really appreciate in a business and it makes me want to purchase from them more. However I also still expect great quality. Scott has accomplished both in my opinion and I find it great that there is no tube when the roll is all gone. It's actually a little strange because you start to get to the end and it has the same crinkle part like you would find on a tube but you have no tube. You still get the great absorbancy and softness you would with Scott on top of being green!

Being a member of the #SimplyScottSquad I feel privilege that I am apart of something that is making a change for the better. Scott's has always had great quality toilet paper and I am pleased I don't have to sacrifice that to get be greener.

Sharing is caring!



I am so excited to have the opportunity this upcoming weekend to see if my little passions I have will work out for the best. I got the opportunity to get a booth at a event show in my town. I will be making and selling my body scrubs, bath salt soaks, and crocheted items. I really do hope this works out because I would to be able to supplement our current income and one day make it a full blown business. I have many other great ideas I want to work on and sell as well. My husband will be doing wood work and building things from the bottom up all by hand. He is excited about that as well. So wish us luck!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

What are you thankful for?

So all the time around Thanksgiving everyone starts to post what they are most thankful for. Some even do the challenge of posting everyday on the social net works. I on the other hand am just a little old fashion. I think one post is great and I normally don't do it on Thanksgiving. I mainly don't do it on Thanksgiving because I am so busy cooking, cleaning and taking care of the family. I don't do it the day before because that's when we do a lot of precooking. 

I decided I would go ahead and make my thankfulness post.

I am thankful for my little family I have and the goals we are seeing being met and started to be met. I have the greatest husband and most beautiful, smart little girls ever. We have our bad moments but they never put weight the good. I would never change a single thing I'm my little family. 

I am also thankful that my job provides more than enough that we both get to stay home and raise our kids and be a big part in their lives.

I am thankful for my extended family. My parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins are the best anyone could ask for. They love me no matter what and I love them.

I am thankful for my friends. I really do have some of the greatest friend ever. Always there if I need them and always willing to help. Old or new or doesn't matter I think of them all as a family member.

I'm thankful for the right to believe in whatever I want as an American, even though I get looked down upon, judged and talked about. I try my best to treat everyone the way I want to be treated, to show love, kindness and compassion.

Lastly I am thankful for myself. I have come a long way and I still have a ways to go. I'm learning to be comfortable in my skin and to love me for who I am. I am thankful that I can be sweet, loving, caring and helpful. However I am thankful I can stand up for myself and that sometimes mean being blunt.

All in all I am thankful for my life I live with the one I love. They all mean the most to me and I only wish I mean the same to them. 

What are you thankful for?

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Cleaning with Zep!

Once again I was picked to sample by Crowdtap! The smaple . . . . ZEP! This is one sample I was very excited to try. I have heard before that Zep was a great cleaning product but I had never used it.

So being picked was just awesome! Everyone that has not tried Zep needs to #TryZep and see how long it takes you to become a #ZepCleansters

In my sampling kit I received 5 samples; 2 Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant, 3 Aep All-Around Oxy Cleaner and Degreaser, and my sampling instructions!

Here I am showing off the samples! I should be a model for them, lol.

Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant:
I was really impressed with the Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant. Not only did it disinfect it also cleaned really well. It didn't have a very over powering and it was easy to wipe up. I like that it only takes 5 seconds to sanitize.I am a "you must follow the directions to the T" kind of person when it comes to using a product. So of course I located the directions and did exactly what was instructed to me. To clean all you had to do was spray and wipe. To sanitize you had to be more precise with your spray, hold 6-8 inches from surface, spray area until covered with product and let it remain visibly wet for 5 seconds before removing. I should add that it also states that you are to sanitize a non-food contact surface.

I used my Zep Quick Clean Disinfectant on my counter tops because they get the most use out of any surface in my house. I am very impressed with how well it cleaned them and I know they got sanitized because I followed the directions.

Zep All-Around Oxy Cleaner and Degreaser:
The All-Around Oxy Cleaner and Degreaser worked great and did a really great job at cleaning my kitchen. I used it on my stove, above my stove, on my canisters lids and even the kitchen sink. It removed grease and stains, cleaned up the cooked on food and any little mess. However the smell was very over powering for me. So I would really recommend cleaning with a window open if cleaner tend to be a little over powering for you. Once again I followed the directions to the T and got a great clean from it. Basically you spray the surface, wait 1 minute and wipe and rinse. That's it! Seems simple enough, so everyone should be able to use it. 

Over all I was very please with both products and the way they clean and/or disinfected my house in the process. I do recommend everyone #TryZep and see for themselves how well it works. Just remember to open a window if you get easily over powered by smells.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Christmas Wreath

So the year before last we decided we wanted new ornaments for our tree. So I had the great idea that I would make an ornament Christmas wreath. I bought all of the supplies and then they just sat there for like a year!

Well last weekend I finally decided I would finish that project and I have to say that I am happy about the out come.  Now I know if I had used Pinterest or YouTube I could have found instructions that told me how to do it step by step but I decided I would just wing it, just like I did with the birth of my first daughter, Montana. That however is a different story.

So gather all of my materials up and went to work. It took way longer than expected to complete the wreath but that is because I have a Coraline running around. From her grabbing the ornaments to trying to lick off the glitter my hands where full. However I didn't let that stop me! I was determined to finally finish another bright idea I had.

No it has it's home over my fire place and will be to focal point when the fire is not going. I am happy to finally check this off my to-do list!

Here are the photo's I was taking to show my progress of the project. At some point I either forgot or ended up distracted and forgot to take photo's. I am sure thought that you can work it out if you decide to follow these photo's as a guide for making your own.

So have any of you reading this made your own ornament wreath before?

Monday, November 10, 2014

Halloween at the Kelley's!

I know, I know . . . I am a week late sharing our Halloween things but HEY! better late than never, Right!?!?!?!

So I totally forgot to take photo's of the girls in their Halloween costumes and by girls I mean Montana! There was NOTHING for Coraline to wear, that is what happens when you are tiny and everyone else buys all of the tiny things up. We did find one of Montana's costumes, a pumpkin, and we were going to dress Coraline as my pumpkin but she HATED the outfit! I went as a scarecrow and I had to removed my make up like 20 minutes after heading out because Coraline hated it as well . . . bummer!

Well Montana went as Wonder Woman and loved it! She found this really neat shirt that had a cape attached!

We did carve pumpkins and the girls had a blast doing that. They got to do the cool part of removing the insides but left the hard part of carving them to the adults.

 Coraline's Pumpkin

                                 Montana's Pumpkin

 My Pumpkin

                                   Derek's Pumpkin

All in all we had a blast spending time together carving pumpkins and trick-or-treating! Coraline got a little bit of candy and Montana got a lot with a lot of other cool items. Cool items = bubble, cookies, chips and popcorn!!

If you celebrated Halloween how was yours? If you didn't celebrate Halloween what did you do instead?

Soup! It's all about a good ol' fashion soup!

So I mentioned that I was going to be #DiscoverCampbells and boy o boy and I am happy to give you all a review of the first two items we tried!

The first item was made and ate so fast that I didn't have any time to snap a photo. Just goes to show that it was good. Oh it was Campbell's Spaghettios MicrOs! I feed this to the youngest, Coraline, and she ate them up so fast it was unbelievable! Very easy for her to handle, chew and swallow. However there was a big mess upon her face, body and hands afterwards!

The next item to grace our taste buds was Campbell's slow kettle style Roasted Chicken Noodle Soup with Herbs and White Meat Chicken! I let both girls try this because it was a big container, I sneaked a few bites as well. I LOVED it! I thought it tasted so good and homemade! Coraline at every last bit of it and Montana ended up slurping down the broth when she was done! I really recommend you give this one a try if you want a nice hot soup for lunch on these cold days!

I was able to get some action shots of the girls enjoying their soup. I will be purchasing the soup again and in big quantities! The Spaghettios will be purchased for Montana to eat since Coraline makes a big mess.

#CampbellsTasters #sponsored

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

I found my thing!

I have been searching for the past few years for a craft I love and that I am good at. Also by saying "searching" I means just picking random things and either never doing the project, starting but not finishing a project or going all the way and finishing one!

Last fall (2013) I purchased knitting needles and crochet hooks. I learned right away that I hated knitting, so much so that a set of my needles got put away and where never touched again. Well that's a lie . . . they get used to pop the wax out of my warmers when it is hard. They work GREAT for that task!

So next was crocheting and I was skeptical that the process would be any better. Turns out it was hard at first but once I got the hang of it the whole process became easier and easier. I ended up not having time to do any projects for a long while and then a month ago I really got into it again! I have made flowers, boot cuffs, scarfs and I am working on a baby blanket!

I wanted to share some of my accomplishments and say that I am SO happy to find something I am good at!

Here are the flowers I made!
I am still learning flowers so that are not the most perfect things, but I did finally purchase a needle to sew in all of the strings!

I finally made a matching set of infinity scarf, head wrap and boot cuffs! I plan to make and sell all of these to help with the cost of homeschooling!

Head wrap -

Here is the whole set . . . scarf, head wrap and boot cuffs!

I have made three different infinity scarfs styles that I love.

I decided with the boot cuffs that I would give people the option to pick the top and body of the boot cuffs and if they want they can make them reversible and pick two tops.
All and all I am in love with my new craft and I hope to be successful and make money. However I don't know how much I will be asking yet . . . ugh!

So I have signed up for a change to win a Keurig Rivo and if you want to sign up as well click HERE <---- That is my sign up link I am to share with everyone so make sure you get your own!!!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

I will be discovering what's new from Campbell's!

Oh once again I just LOVE Crowdtap and the opportunities I am given for being a member on their site. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do, but why wouldn't you sign up for a great thing like trying new items from Campbell's?

Here is my sample package, it doesn't even deserve to be called a sample back! This package was so well packed with goodies that I have determined it will only be called a sample package! See what I mean below . . .

So some of the awesome thing I got in the mail that my family and friends will be trying are:
  • Campbell's tote
  • NEW Campbell's soups easy for cooking, Savory Portobello Mushroom
  • NEW Campbell's Slow Kettler style, Roasted Chicken Noodle Soup
  • Swanson Cream Starter traditional
  • NEW Prego light Homestyle Alfredo
  • NEW Campbell's Spaghettios Micros
  • NEW Latin Inspired Campbell's condensed soup, Creamy Poblano & Queso
  • NEW Campbell's Chunky Beer-n-Cheese with beef and bacon soup
  • Campbell's Skillet Sauces, Creamy Parmesan chicken
  • Campbell's Shaker
  • Campbell's cutting board
  • Campbell's wooden spoon
  • Recipe book with lots of coupons
I have to say that my decision to call it a sample package instead of pack it just right! I have tried Campbell's oven sauces and it was so great and I am excited to try these new product's because I know they will be just as good!

My family and friends will be in full tummy bliss when I get done with them!#DiscoverCampbells #CampbellsTasters #sponsored

Monday, October 20, 2014

Sampling Fast Active Advil Film-Coated Tablets!!!

So I was picked once again by Crowdtap to sample another AMAZING product . . . Advil Film-Coated Tablets #FastAdvil #Sponsored

I have got to say that this is my new favorite Advil. I have been using Advil liquid gels for a long time, so I was already familiar with the Advil brand. Advil has been the only pain fighter medicine that has worked for me and I stick with what works.

Well as soon as I saw that you could be picked for the #FastAvil Advil Fil-Coated sample I jumped on the chance. I received my sample in the mail with a little list of activities I had to complete before giving my review.
I received 8 - 2-count samples of Advil Film-Coated and 4 $3.00 off coupon! The coupons where a big hit and I used one myself and I got 40 ct bottle for a little over $3.00 . . . GREAT DEAL.

Okay so on to why I use Advil. First I have kids and if you have kids you always want some Advil Film-Coasted on hand. Second I crochet and I am in the same position for periods of time doing the same thing over and over. So my back, neck, hands, fingers and arms will start to hurt after while. Third use is just every day life things giving me a headache or hurting myself by running into a wall . . . . more on that in another post.

So the very first time I tried Advil Film-Coated I was in love and I new I would only be using these style of Advil from now on. I love the tablets, a lots easier for me to swallow. The tablets have a sweet taste which is awesome for me because I gag as soon as I taste medicine. Advil Film-Coated really goes to work fast! I was having a bad day the other day and I had a headache and I hurt my back a little. So I took a sample pack and within 30 minutes I was feeling better. I could feel the medicine doing its job and I was feeling great.

  Me in pain                                     Me no longer in pain

One of the items on my checklist was to pass out 7 samples to people I new. Each person that tried the same said they liked them, 3 took coupons and 2 used their coupons. One decided to stay with their current pain reliever and the others where considering to switch or had already made the decision to switch.

I also made a video!

 So over all I recommend that everyone at least give Advil Film-Coated a try and see if you like, I think you will!