Social Networks

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Sharing some links!

So late last night I couldn't sleep so I surfed Facebook. I cam across two cool articles I loved and want to share them with you all.

The first on I love was on Do It Yourself - Facebook page. If you are like me and you do not have a entry way you can take a book shelf remove the top shelf and had hooks for hanging things. Then you just customize the rest as you want. Here is the photo they posted and the link to their website that has 25 other ideas to look over -

The next post I want to share comes from Facebook page. Chores for Kids by Age! I love it, gives just the right amount of chores and task each kids should be able to complete at each age range. Sometimes we underestimate our children and don't give them enough responsibility. Other times we give them to much to handle. So I am sharing this in hopes that a parent figure reads it and finds the best section for their child(ren). So here is the link to the page that has the whole list.

Hope you enjoy these two things as much as I did!

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