Tuesday, October 28, 2014

I found my thing!

I have been searching for the past few years for a craft I love and that I am good at. Also by saying "searching" I means just picking random things and either never doing the project, starting but not finishing a project or going all the way and finishing one!

Last fall (2013) I purchased knitting needles and crochet hooks. I learned right away that I hated knitting, so much so that a set of my needles got put away and where never touched again. Well that's a lie . . . they get used to pop the wax out of my warmers when it is hard. They work GREAT for that task!

So next was crocheting and I was skeptical that the process would be any better. Turns out it was hard at first but once I got the hang of it the whole process became easier and easier. I ended up not having time to do any projects for a long while and then a month ago I really got into it again! I have made flowers, boot cuffs, scarfs and I am working on a baby blanket!

I wanted to share some of my accomplishments and say that I am SO happy to find something I am good at!

Here are the flowers I made!
I am still learning flowers so that are not the most perfect things, but I did finally purchase a needle to sew in all of the strings!

I finally made a matching set of infinity scarf, head wrap and boot cuffs! I plan to make and sell all of these to help with the cost of homeschooling!

Head wrap -

Here is the whole set . . . scarf, head wrap and boot cuffs!

I have made three different infinity scarfs styles that I love.

I decided with the boot cuffs that I would give people the option to pick the top and body of the boot cuffs and if they want they can make them reversible and pick two tops.
All and all I am in love with my new craft and I hope to be successful and make money. However I don't know how much I will be asking yet . . . ugh!

So I have signed up for a change to win a Keurig Rivo and if you want to sign up as well click HERE <---- That is my sign up link I am to share with everyone so make sure you get your own!!!!!

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