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Saturday, January 9, 2016

Playskool Friends My Little Pony Toys review.

Coraline and I received Playskool Friends My Little Pony Toys in exchange for an honest review!

We received the My Little Pony Rainbow Dash friendship bus with Rainbow Dash as well as a two piece pony set the included Moondance and Minty. Needless to say she was SUPER excited!

She went straight to putting them on the bus and driving them around. When I asked where they were headed she said Pony Town and vroomed the bus on it's way. Coraline was introduced to My Little Pony by her big sister but was unable to play with most of them because of small pieces. The little Pony's are the perfect size for her hands and easy to carry, the don't get messes easy and if they do it's easy clean up.

She had a blast loading them and unloading them on the Rainbow Dash Friendship bus. She made walking noises and made them look as if they were going up and down steps. Once she figure out that she could push the pink button on the front of the bus to open the door she was at it non stop. 

Here is a short video of her getting to see her Playskool Friends My Little Pony Toys for the first time!

Coraline even got a little protective of her Pony's when big sister Montana came to see what was going on . . . 

She told her that these were her Pony's to play with. After a minute she gave in and played with her sister and they ended up having a blast. 

Over all she loved the Playskool Friends My Little Pony toys she got to play with and she has played with them every day since receiving them. This set of toys is her favorite set out of all of her toys.



  1. She loved and still loves her MLP and we even bought more. She's in Pony land all the time.
