Sunday, November 30, 2014

Scott Naturals Tube-Free

So I again got picked as a tester by Crowdtap to sample another great product.

With my pledge of #TossTheTube I am taking a stance in saying it is time everyone on earth becomes more green. Being green is a big thing to my family and we are always looking for ways to lesson our carbon foot print and help save earth a little at a time. I saw this great video by Scott on how much waste we have just with the tubes from our toilet paper. You can watch the video below -

We toss away enough tubes to fill the empire state building TWICE! Yes you saw to correctly and if you saw the video you heard that correctly. How awesome is it that a company wants to take a step and make a change for the better? That is one thing I really appreciate in a business and it makes me want to purchase from them more. However I also still expect great quality. Scott has accomplished both in my opinion and I find it great that there is no tube when the roll is all gone. It's actually a little strange because you start to get to the end and it has the same crinkle part like you would find on a tube but you have no tube. You still get the great absorbancy and softness you would with Scott on top of being green!

Being a member of the #SimplyScottSquad I feel privilege that I am apart of something that is making a change for the better. Scott's has always had great quality toilet paper and I am pleased I don't have to sacrifice that to get be greener.

Sharing is caring!


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